My weakness is that I have trouble differentiating what is important from not important. As a result it leads me to two deficits.
However, I do take great reading notes, which helped me to earn As in my reading quizzes. One of my friends is great at taking lecture notes. She likes my reading notes. As a result, I decided to trade my reading notes with her lecture notes, such that I can earn As in both the reading quizzes and the lecture midterms.
Some interview guides advice you to turn your weakness into strength.
I decided to show how I manage my weakness instead.
I think this is a more realistic approach because I still have this problem.
Furthermore, by doing this, I can demonstrate my problem-solving skills to my interviewers.
Side note
Your interviewer may specifically ask you for multiple weakness.
However, I doubt this particular question will come up in your interview because I never have one in my four interviews.